Friday, April 15, 2011

Cobalamin sad love story

cobalamin grow and stay with her parent Protien. she left her parent when she study at school of stomach. she started to date cool heptocorrin(her childhood friend) who unfortunately died right after they got engaged. she felt lonely ..luckily she met her true love IF ( heptocorrin school friend). they got married and found beautiful house in lovely city of terminal illuem. one day they was thrilled to learn cobalamin pregnant . they want to call their baby transcobalamin II. how ever their happiness dont last long.. a monster called lysosome attack their house. IF afraid his family will getting hurt. so, he said " go yourself and ourbaby first .. i shall follow you later" cobalamin run from the back of the door and disappeared into Blood vesssel.. IF win..he try to find back his wife. .. everywhere..when in their memoric place .. stomach school. but he never find her wife again... the end ops... not yet.. he met one girl look the same like his wife.and they get married after that. guess what will happen next? ^_^ the same thing happen but this time.... he dont win.. and he died ( degraded) .. his second wife runs to the back door too .. and this the end.

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