Sunday, January 17, 2010

With the name of Allah, The Most Gracious,The Most Merciful

My Aims for this blog :
  • do a reflection on what i had been go through as a medical student
  • place to share experiences
  • to improve my english , i will try my best to write in english as possible as i can
  • sharing , learning, comment, and many more...

i am the first medical student in newcastle university.
now i am entering 2nd semester.

my lecture and other class will be start tomorrow.

always remember : learn because of ALLAH

Allahu Mai = Allah bersertaku
Allahu Syahidi = Allah menyaksikanku
Allahu Nazirun Ilayya = Allah melihat akan daku

let the Journey Begin.....

1 comment:

  1. Alhamdulillah..keep it up...remember to update it everyday whenever possible even just a word.

    May Allah swt be with u...
